Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Law Of Attraction At Work!

I have another law of attraction story to tell you!

I had a piece of mail that I had to send out right away but it was a Saturday and I didn't want to wait until Monday to mail it.

So I go outside and sat down to wait for the mail man. I saw someone I knew and I saw him go around the corner and there was something that I wanted to tell him.

Lo and behold there was a mail truck parked right across the street. I waited until I saw the mailman and I gave him the letter.

My mail was on its way!

I think that this is a great example of the law of attraction at its best!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Good Things Come To Those Who Ask

As I have stated many times before I am a very big fan of the law of attraction, especially where it concerns money and financial matters. And agagain I have found a very inspiring blog post about it.

Good things come to those who ask simply means that you should ask for what it is that you want. The blog post says that a lot of times people are afraid to ask for what they want for a variety of reason, like they feel they don't deserve it or they feel like they are asking for too much.

If there is something that you really, really want then this is definitely an article you should read!

Spreading Financial Confidence ... One Post At A Time: Good Things Come to Those Who Ask Written by Jack Canfield

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Manifesting Money And The Law Of Attraction

You may feel that there are situations and conditions in your life that prevent you from having money. Let go of your beliefs about how money can come to you.

The Universe can only bring you money based on how you believe it can come to you. Put your vibration on you having the money and let the Universe figure out the ‘how’. Let go of your beliefs about it.

Money can come to you in as many ways as you allow it to come to you. If you believe it must be a certain way, it can then only come to you that certain way.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Here Is My Law Of Attraction Story For Today!

Here is my law of attraction story for today!

Actually it was yesterday but here is the story:

I needed to mail a very important piece of mail yesterday and my mail was already delivered earlier in the day BUT I had to get this mail out TODAY!

While I don't know if this has happened in your area, but in my area the post office has pretty much taken away all of the mailboxes in my area so there wasn't a mailbox nearby me.

Well, I had the letter ready to mail and I was so determined that I was going to catch a mailman or a mailtruck that I didn't give it too much of a second thought. So I went outside and I was determined to find a way to mail this letter and I wasn't going to stop until I mailed it. So like I said I went outside and was deciding in which direction that I should go to hunt down a mailman. As soon as I got down my steps I saw a mailtruck that was pulling in to park about half a block from where I was standing! Isn't that something!

I made it over to the mailtruck and the mailman told me that he had just stopped theire for a minute - meaning a minute or two late and I would have missed him for sure!

So, of course, I gave him the letter to mail and I was so thankful and grateful that I was able to catch him!

If this isn't a perfect example of the law of attraction then I don't know what is!

Monday, June 20, 2011

49 Thoughts on Law of Attraction and Money (and Anything else!)

I found another great blog post online about the law of attraction and attracting more money into your life. I don't know about you but I would love to be able to attract more money into my life!

49 Thoughts On The Law Of Attraction And Money (and Anything else!)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Stressing About It Does Not Help You At All!

I found this very good piece of advice online:

When you are stressing out about not finding that relationship you desire, the money you need, or that job you can enjoy and make money at the same time, you are doing exactly the opposite of what you need to do to attract what you desire to you. Stressing and efforting put you out of The Flow. When you are living in the now moment, without worrying and fretting over the future, you naturally enter that state of Flow where life supports you unconditionally.

I don't know if you are like me but I stress and worry and fret all the time and it felt good to find this piece of advice online - (It's like the loa led me to this article!)

What is it that I have gotten from this piece of advice is to not be so stressed and tense all the time and just keep what it is that I want and desire inside my head and live as though I have already manifested it.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Working From Home! - Rose's Blog: The Law Of Attraction!

Here is a more recent posting that I posted to my Law Of Attraction blog.

Working From Home! - Rose's Blog: The Law Of Attraction!: "I have been doing some recent postings on the law of attraction . Simply stated the law of attraction says that what you focus on you will get and here is yet another example of how it has been working for me......"

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Here Is My Law Of Attraction Story For Today

In the past I have posted on my local blog about how the mailboxes were gone in our local area. Of course this makes mailing stuff a little bit more difficult. So I had to do some errands today and I had a few letters that I needed to mail as soon as possible. And I figured that since I would be on foot that hopefully I would be able to spot a mailman or a mail truck so that I could give them my letters to mail.

I was pretty confident that I would find one and even if I didn't I was ok with that because I knew that I would mail the letters eventually. (I think this is one of the secrets of loa in that when you let go of the outcome it brings in more ways for things to happen).

Actually when I started to do my errands I had completely forgot about the letters until I made a visit to my local library and there, parked across the street was the mail truck!

The law of attraction works again!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Secret Power of The Law of Attraction Presented By Mind Power 365: The Law of Attraction Tip of The Day: Align your t...

As always when I find a very inspiring and motivation law of attraction tip I want to be able to post it here so that others can benefit from it.

This tip is so good that I wanted to try it as soon as I read it!

The Secret Power of The Law of Attraction Presented By Mind Power 365: The Law of Attraction Tip of The Day: Align yourself: "The Law of Attraction Tip of The Day:Taken from the new up and coming book'The Secret Power of The Law of Attraction' Before a phone conver..."